Thursday, June 11, 2009

Joshua Nelson, Neshama Carlebach sing

Last night's concert was a trip. Joshua Nelson had me dancing in the aisles with his blend of Jewish lyrics and an African-American singing and piano-playing style. (He expressed some annoyance at the assumption that he's a convert just because he's black. Apparently, his family has been Jewish for generations.) If you have an opportunity to see him, do so--you won't be able to sit still!

Neshama Carlebach has a beautiful voice and a wonderful pianist, and was accompanied, at this concert, by a choir with some very fine singers. Do try out a concert or CD of hers, and enjoy.


Anonymous jdub said...

I can't figure him out, because he says his family has been Jewish for generations, but he's also been on a number of Christian gospel albums. Is that just a professional thing?

I have one of his CDs. Not a huge fan. Great voice, but it's not my thing.

Fri Jun 12, 04:15:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't figure him out, Can you figure this out, Joshua Nelson is a Jew that fell in love with Gospel Music via Mahalia Jackson and mimicked Mahalia Jackson at a young age. Realizing that Jewish Music with Soul was never an option because it didnt exist. So he found himself recreating the Music of Mahalia Jackson. There is but so far you can go imitating a person. So 10 years ago, decided to create, Kosher Gospel Music! Jewish Music with the same Feel that he loved as a child when he discovered in his grandmothers home. Also, His intentions were to blur the lines that seperate people, as in, the confusion of devision in your intial question.

Sat Jun 13, 04:17:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALso, maybe a little biased since Matissyahu fell off the face of the earth. There are millions that love this guy, so send me your CD.

Sat Jun 13, 04:20:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the freedom Sings concert and Joshua Nelson and Neshama Carlebach are like the King and Queen of Jewish Music. I got a chance to get my Cd signed after the show by both artists. I lost my pocket book dancing around in both sets. Amazing! Luckily, someone found it and brought it to me, which is how I purchased the CD. Keep up the good work you too!!!

Sat Jun 13, 05:09:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, to address the guy who wanted to know of Joshua Nelson's religious background, He was raided an orthodox Jew by his mother and Non-Jewish step-father. I don't know if his biological father was Jewish. The Non-Jewish step-father practiced Judaism along with his mother although never formally converting to Judaism. His grandmother (A Jewess) had a Mahalia Jackson album that he found and began listening. In the spirirt of the "Civil Rights" era and Black History, Mr. Nelson contributed to the remembrance of "Mahalia Jackson" by presenting concerts in African American communities that consisted of mainly Black Christians. Joshua performed these songs in its original state but refraimed from singing songs that made Jesus a deity to be worshipped. His perframnce of "How I Got OVer" was one such song. Performed by Mahalia Jackson at the March on Washington.
Mr. Nelson continued to pay his tributes to Mahalia but eventually went on to create music that not only spoke from his soul, but filled a void in Jewish Music. Gospel Music that was Kosher. Hebrew Lyrics and Prayers to the strong rythymns of Gospel Music. Gospel Music not in the Religious Sense,but the musical styled teermed "Gospel" music. All songs even the "Gospel Music Style" do not give praise to Jesus, Most songs direct their praise to G-d, others are what some have termed "Cosmic Blues". The cry for social justice via Soul rifts. WHy, what Mr. Nelson is doing is broadening the spectra of Jewish Music, while teaching that Judaism is not a family Race, tied by DNA, but Jewish people, a nation of People wether tied to all nations, ethnicities, religions shades and colors who unite with those who are willing to pursue a better tommorow by action, diligence by not just praying, but praying and doing. That Messiah is not someone who is to come, but we are all Messiah's if we connect with Universal brotherhood and sisterhood and free our ego and by doing so, create the Garden of Eden, the Messianic Kingdom. He's doing just that.
So, JDUB, hows that for Jewish Education. You might want to change your format.


Sat Jun 13, 06:55:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that was deep, Now I've never even considered my Judaism in those terms. Dude, You should really right a book, this is the real concept of Kibbutzniks. By doing G-D instead of worshipping G-D balances out to Becoming at one with G-D. The Kabbalist teach that when we become Altruistic with Mankind and our ultimate desire is peace, tranquility and harmony with each other, the messianic kingdom would begin. Jewish people, as a nation who practice this concept will lead the nations to peace. One must lose himself for the other. This is also what Jesus taught. He never said " Hey I am G-d worship me." He was a fellow Jew that preached this Kabbalistic concept of true Onenes with G-d is oneness with Mankind. All races and religions, and sexual orientation and all the in betweens. Thank you, Justin

Sat Jun 13, 08:59:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joshua Nelson was awesome the other night. I especially loved the Odetta number, Waterboy!! You breathe life into Jewish Music.

Sun Jun 14, 11:03:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous jdub said...

wow, Justin, that was, umm, how to put it? Incoherent. Yes, that's the word.

And it's perfectly ok not to like someone's music. I have lots of CDs that I tried and didn't like.

Wed Jun 17, 11:24:00 AM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joshua Nelson seems to be a talented singer and performer. With that said, his music does not resonate with me. Neshama (and the band) is also very talented with an ability to create spiritual but yet modern music. Neshama is unique in that she is the only Jewish performer able to successfully combine spirituality and musical modernity. I can't wait for her new cd to come out!

Sat Jul 04, 11:21:00 PM 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the talk about 'Jewishness', is he Jewish, isn't he Jewish, she sings with a gospel choir etc. ... bottom line is what the gospel says in John 3:3 and 3:16 ... otherwise it doesn't matter what you are ... you'll stand at the Great White Throne instead of the Bema Seat of the Messiah Yeshua ... and that will have e t e r n a l consequences because that 'place' is right off of the fringe ... forever.

Tue Feb 21, 02:22:00 PM 2012  

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